Gardening with Indigenous Plants
Gardens can be high maintenance demanding frequent watering, weeding and fertilization. Add 'local flavor' to your garden with indigenous plants that are water-wise, low-maintenance, and perfectly adapted to the local soils and weather conditions. Remember that first impressions count, especially when selling your home. Create a garden that adds value and is visually appealing. These are some advantages of growing indigenous plants:
- they are hardy and can survive a very dry climate or semi-shade conditions like the Wild Iris, Strelitzia, or Agapanthus
- they can be used as wind breakers or informal hedges creating security and tranquility such as the Bush Tick Berry plant
- they can resist pests better
- various succulents are your best option for water-wise plants
- they also act as air purifiers like the Mother In Law's Tongue
- some species are very fragrant including the Wild Honeysuckle Tree, Scented Agapanthus and the Night-Scented Gladioli
- many species attract birds and wildlife including Aloes, Lion's Ear, and the Cape Honeysuckle
- some indigenous plants can be used for medical purposes like the Snake Flower and the African wormwood
- the following can be added to your culinary repertoire including Wild Garlic and Wild Sage which help build the immune system
18 Mar 2019
Author PROP247
Author PROP247